This was the year when central banks intensified their battle against inflation, facing it with a tight monetary policy centered around raising interest rates.
Throughout History. Gold was known for being valuable & Special.
Now including Gold in your investment portfolios Can be considered a hedge against both inflation & Depression.
As well as being a great diversifier tool to portfolios, It is also known to be a value keeper and financial shield when there is Geopolitical or Macro Economic uncertainty.
نظراً لتطور الوعي الاستثماري لدى الأفراد و رغبتهم في التحوط من عوامل التضخم عن طريق الاستثمار في الذهب، شهدت مصر معدلات طلب مرتفعة للغاية في سوق الذهب بداية من شهر نوفمبر السابق. لذلك عند النظر على الأداء السعري لجرام الذهب بداية من منتصف شهر نوفمبر حتى يوم 6 ديسمبر، سنجد أن سعر الجرام حدث به قفزة لم نشهدها من قبل.
What are Gold Reserves?
A gold reserve is, Gold held by a nation’s central bank to back the value of its local currency, throughout the gold standard era, it was used as a guarantee to redeem intentions to pay depositors, noteholders, and trading peers. Additionally, reserves were combined by governments to meet the costs of waging war and to acquire and hold “treasure,” because the policies of the time emphasised the importance of doing so.
We have collected all the triggering announcements of The third week of feburary here.
You can find the reason behind every move at gold's price here.
We have collected all the triggering announcements of The first week of feburary here.
You can find the reason behind every move at gold's price here.